Jan 14th – spent the morning working on the computer writing the President’s letter for the GMCWS newsletter.  Went to the ice cream social but not much ice cream, just an “eskimo pie” is what we called them as kids.  Had an hour to waste so went to a presentation about Alaska trips and decided that is not for us.  The “how us use your digital camera” or some such title was OK but the facilities were terrible.  The building was a barn and there was something going on at the other end that had some woman with a microphone droning on about something but we couldn’t make out any words, just noise.  The content was OK but really fast and the people who were there, at least most of them, left pretty confused.

Steve and Gail hosted a “cocktail party” in the space between our coaches and at one time we had 14 people there including a couple of GMCers and a former GMCer who now has a “NewAire” which is a GMC-like diesel pusher – very nice.