All dressed for Western Night at the rally

All dressed for Western Night at the rally

The weather went from too hot – even for South Dakota – to windy, rainy and foggy for two days. When I painted the coach I worked extra hard to find and fix all the leaky spots but I did miss a couple. Last year, after a little detective work I found and fixed the remaining leaks, but… Two more showed up just as we were preparing to leave on this trip. I didn’t see them leaking but the evidence was there with stuff that had been wet. One in the cockpit passenger side that doesn’t really hurt too much and another at the foot of the bed on Carol’s side. That one proved to be pretty bad and the corner of the bed was soaked the first rainy night. The next day we dried that out and did a small patch in a suspicious place and tightened the mounting bolts on the rear rooftop air conditioner. Meanwhile, when the rain resumed more detective work found the general area that was leaking and I managed to get it to drip into a container so we could stay dry. I think some dreaded silicone caulk will have to be applied to a couple more suspicious areas. Dreaded is because it is tough to get off and paint doesn’t stick to it.

One of our presenters was the builder of my distributor and I asked him about the pin that holds the mechanical advance weight and spring. As I think I said in a previous post, one of the pins came loose and the weight was not doing what it is supposed to. He suggested that the only way to fix the problem was to get someone to weld the pin in place. I disassembled the distributor again this morning and found the pin and the spring had both migrated to the bottom of the distributor and were stuck to the magnetic “pole piece” under the rotor – could have broken something in the wrong place. I took the piece and the pin to a local machine shop that is part of a NAPA store and they promised to weld it tomorrow morning. We’ll see.

All in all the rally has been fun. Lots of nice people and only a couple of bozo’s – don’t have any of those at GMCWS – and lots of GMC talk.