Here we are parked on the side of our former business. The “Big People” on the corner are by John Cerney, a local artist and friend.
We left Brian and Chris’s home on Wednesday morning to begin our trip back home. Home means South and South means Salinas where we lived, worked, and played for 16 years until we moved to Arizona in 2005. We initially began spending weekends in the Salinas/Monterey area in 1989 when we joined Corral de Tierra Country Club which is near Laguna Seca on California highway 68. We ended up loving the area so much that we hated going back to Silicon Valley (Cupertino) so we made a huge career change – both of us – and opened a custom picture framing business and called it Artistic HangUps. We ran the business from 1992 until, and even after, we moved to Arizona in 2005. Our former long-time employee Carla Rocha now owns the business and is doing a fantastic job carrying on our reputation for quality at reasonable prices.
Tonight we are parked at San Lorenzo County Park in King City, CA. We were introduced to this park when we attended a GMC Western States Motorhome Club rally here in the Spring of 2011. We plan to spend an extra day here to relax and rest up before heading across two deserts on the way home.
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