“Roadside maintenance” is a new (new to me anyway) term that Carol used to describe routine vehicle maintenance that must be done on the side of the road. It took me until the third electric fuel pump failing before I realized that the fuel filter was plugged up. I recently installed a warning light on my dash board that indicates low fuel pressure from my frame mounted electric fuel pump into my FiTech Fuel Command center. I figured it would give me between one and two miles of warning that the fuel injection system was going to run out of gas. I installed it so that I would have it on this trip through the desert when fuel problems are at their worst.
It was a hot day today – 103 mostly but up to 111 until we got to Lake Havasu State Park where it was a toasty 115. Driving on I-10 and almost to exit 45, Vicksburg, AZ, and the bright red warning light I installed started flashing and pretty quickly came on steady. No fuel pressure from my low pressure pump. I swapped an identical spare pump in and it did not work either although it took a few miles to figure that out with intermittent flashing of my warning light and then steady on again. This time I swapped in a Carter P-4070 that was brand new, never used and it did not work either. That is when I realized that the fuel filter mounted less than a foot away from the fuel pump had not been checked in a couple of years. That fixed it. That is what I admit should have been done, probably annually​.